On one of his many sailing trips on his sailboat Juanita during the 1980’s, founder Chris Crowell ventured up the Moho River in the deep south of Belize and found a beautiful farm along the riverbank that was recently abandoned and for sale. Looming high above the spectacular location was a breathtaking huge Cotton Tree. The deal was sealed.
After ten years of annual visits and attempts to keep the jungle at bay, in 1999 Chris teamed up with his partner Jeff Pzena to bring his dream into reality. Chris’ dream was to somehow introduce others to what he considers to be the soul of the country, to create an atmosphere where individuals could appreciate other cultures while learning something about their own spirit. The dream of impacting lives… of exploring new terrain… of creating stories for a lifetime.
Today the lodge offers visitors the opportunity to immerse themselves into the local culture and learn about a totally different way of life, to explore deep into the jungle and experience the totally “last frontier feeling”. This is one of the many things so special about Belize: to explore barely discovered ancient Mayan cities or to venture out onto the barely ventured gems of the southern Belizean Caribbean waters, experiencing totally new, deeper meanings to ‘surf and turf’ itineraries.