News and events


13th November 2013

Perched half way between Dangriga and Placencia, Hopkins has a relaxed fishing village vibe, with a sizeable Garifuna community and a dotting of small, upscale resorts and restaurants.

Getting to Hopkins is easy – a 15 minute light aircraft flights takes you to Dangriga and from there it’s a 45 minute journey by land taxi. We can take care of all travel arrangements and logistics, or for the more adventurous rent a car and explore the stunning Hummingbird Highway along the way.

The resort amenities include:

  • Cable TV & Wifi Internet
  • Swimming Pools
  • Drumming Lesson
  • Beachside BBQ Night
  • Lush Gardens
  • Parking
  • Bicycles and Kayaks
  • Concierge
  • Snack Shop
  • Housekeeping & grounds keeping
  • Onsite Management & security
  • And for the kids, arranged, Limbo, Tug of War, Kite Flying, Buried Alive, Wheel Barrow, Beach Volleyball and Sand-Castle Building